Be Your Own Superhero

      There are always those days where you feel defeated.  There are going to be days where you feel lost and don't know what to make of it.  No matter how lost you may be, or how much you think you are defeated, you, and only you can tell yourself that you can jump over the obstacles in your way.              You are capable of overcoming the hurdles in you life.  You are capable of telling yourself that you will be extraordinary.  You yourself have the power to endure the obstacles that may or may not be surrounding you.
      I will admit, there have been days where I was not feeling up to the task at all, but I told myself that I can either sit and be ordinary, or I can get up and try to make a difference; to be extraordinary.  As long as you have faith in yourself, you have the power to make change.  Be your own hero; be the person who can overcome any obstacle.   


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