Heard It on the GrapeVine

      Gossip.  Why do we gossip?  This has always been a lingering question.  Gossip, as I had thought, was a form of envy of other people.  I think that when someone has bubbles of jealousy inside them, they tend to lash out in an inconspicuous way of showing our jealousy toward others.  Gossip is just a way to let out our frustration towards that person who has something that we may want or desire.
       But the truth in this statement is, we gossip to feel better about ourselves.  That maybe, just maybe, the spotlight would be on us as we talk about the other person who had may or may not had done anything wrong.  We find ways to gossip about people; some for viable reasons, or just out of pure and utter jealousy.  Though we may gossip, as it is human nature to feel envy towards others, we do it in ways that hurt the other person consequently and without thought as we do it.  We never think what the person might be feeling when we gossip about them.  We never think to let them put their two cents in before we jump to conclusions and let our envy take over.  We speak before we think.
      As I had said before, gossip, in a form, is a way of leering people away from our thoughts of jealousy towards them.  Gossip is something people do when they have nothing better to do than talk gibberish about others.  No matter how jealous you may feel toward someone, gossip is never a good way to put attention to yourself.  Words hurt, and we never know how much they hurt until we experience it first hand.  


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