Somebody to Lean On..

      Everybody needs somebody, sometimes.  Well, that's what I think.  We all need someone to hear our most terrifying dreams, or our most desired goals.  By having that person to vent to, we have allowed ourselves a shred of hope and happiness.  We have allowed ourselves to not be lonely; to have people to rely on when the going gets tough.  Friends and friendships keep us grounded; because without loyalty and trust, we would all be alone, with no one to have our backs.  And no one deserves to be alone.

Because in truth, we all need someone to rely on and to trust with our most secretive secrets.  
      Someone who is loyal, who will stand by you when you are in the dumps.  A friend will stay with you and pick you up, someone to support you when you don't have the upper hand.  Sometimes, we are not always strong, so we need someone to help us through the pain and sorrow.  Someone to fight your fears with you;  to call on, because two heads are better than one.  Be someone's somebody; be their anchor to keep them grounded.  All of us may not have our anchors, so go be someone's, because you'll never know how much they need you, until you are there with them, supporting them.

We all need somebody to lean on.


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