
       Life is like a roller coaster.  
      There are many ups, downs, lefts, rights, loops, and upside-downs.  As soon as you get on the roller coaster, you don't know what your experience will be like.  Sometimes you're afraid of what might happen on the roller coaster; the ride could malfunction, some kid behind you could let out his breakfast all over your hair, or you find yourself at the realization that roller coasters are just not your thing.  But as the ride goes on, you begin to enjoy the directions it goes in.  It makes you want to ride it over and over to experience the directions all over again.  The agonizing fear in the pit of your stomach disappears, the courage in your heart grows bigger.  You are ready for the directions that the roller coaster takes.
       You are ready for the journey life has to offer.  

        Life is just like that.  There are good days in life.  Bad days.  Completely mixed up days.  And you have no idea which direction your life will go in.  All you can do is hope that you are ready for whatever it may bring.  Life malfunctions, but we look past it, in hopes that it learns how to fix itself-in hopes that you can learn to fix it.  As life goes on; as you get older, life clears up and shows you that, sure, it has some not-so-good days, but it is enjoyable at times.  The directions life goes in is unknown, but all we have to do is accept where it takes us.  Life is terrifying and crappy, but the fear and crappiness goes away once you learn to enjoy the ups, downs, lefts, rights, loops, and upside-downs.

       Life is like a roller coaster.  There are many directions that it goes in, and sometimes we don't like how it turns out, but in the long run of life, it is always worth the fear, and courage to face it head on.  Life is worth living.

       We are ready for the paths that life throws our way.


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