
       "Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power." (Horace Mann)

       From a very young age, ideas are put into our heads, teaching us about new things.  As we grow, new ideas and new knowledge is incorporated into our daily lives.  There is a lot of information to absorb in our minds, and a large brain to absorb it with.  The extent of what we can learn is endless, the thirst for knowledge never dries out, as we are learning new things everyday.

       Wherever we go, people are learning.  No matter the methods of fitting the information into their heads, they are still learning.  Knowledge had no bounds, it always finding new and creative ways to get into your head.  The spectrum of knowledge is never ending, always widening and expanding as we discover new things.  When we learn new things, the feeling is so great.  It makes us feel accomplished to know that we took time to indulge ourselves in a new concept.

       There are some people that think that knowing too much makes you a nerd.  Believe me, I know how it feels.  (I've been called 'Walking Dictionary and Encyclopedia' on many occasions.)  Their ignorance shouldn't stop you from learning.  It just goes to show that you are willing to take on new ideas and have an open mind.  Don't let what others say about your quest for knowledge stop you from opening a book or two.  It's not bad to know a lot, you could be their boss one day.  If you want to learn, learn.  Nothing is stopping you from expanding your knowledge to inspire and do good things.

       The information that you learn everyday, no matter how useless it may seem, may come in handy one day.  That being said, never stop adding ideas to your repertoire.  Knowledge is power.  The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you are.  Use that knowledge and power and put it to good use.


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