
     "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." (Marilyn Monroe)

      In today's society, the social norms that are put in place are used to pick out the people that are naive.  Those that are gullible to those standards are more likely to become a puppet to the world around them.  We succumb to them, essentially being crushed by them, in hopes that others accept us.  So in order to fit in with the invisible standards being set, we change ourselves-everything about ourselves.  In certain social groups, there is a ring leader, always finding vulnerable people to change.  They find those people and turn them into carbon copies of themselves.  They find solace and security in knowing that they are more important and that others are following their lead.  Those that succumb to the standards will always be there to manipulate and change.

      To fit in, we spend tons of money, time, and energy to change ourselves and our clothing.  By doing this we are slowly changing our personalities, corrupting the unique person that is every one of us.  We are so blind to what we are doing due to the popularity and the similarity.  All of us try to morph and evolve ourselves into something that we're not, not only affecting us but others around us.  The friends we once had, the friends that accepted us for who we were, no longer see the person that they knew.  The friends that we once had are forgotten by those who choose to abandon the person they were and delete everything about themselves.  The family that loves and accepts the real you, tries to find ways to show you the consequences of the decisions that were made.  In order to fall under the society's standards, we throw away all that was good in our lives.    

       Change can be a good thing.  Change yourself as much as you want, as you are a growing person who has life experiences.  Our life experiences can give a person a chance to reflect on themselves or their lifestyle.  The changes that you make to your clothing, state of mind, or personality, should be changes that are made for you.  You and no one else.  You live to please no one, only yourself.  You were not meant to succumb to the throes of society's standards and become a marionette.  The most important part is that you are comfortable in your own skin, and if not, make positive changes to benefit you.  If you aren't happy, find a source of joy and hold onto that. If you are comfortable, flaunt it, showing that you will not change who you are for anyone else.  Being someone else leads to nowhere but a confused and disappointing life.  Being someone else is not worth the life of the beautiful person you were born to be.


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