
       "Self love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self.  It's about accepting all of yourself." -Tyra Banks

        No matter how much some of us deny it, we all have things we don't like about ourselves.  We are people.  We make mistakes and we learn from them.  We are not perfect, either.  Every person has a trait-mental, physical, or emotional-that we dislike.  No one is perfect or flawless.  There may be people out in the world that seemingly have a perfect life on social media and in person, but we never know what goes on behind closed doors, or in their mind.  The more you understand this idea, the easier it will be to accept the things you don't like about yourself.

       Often in high school, people are put down and bullied because they are different than others.  Personally I've never been through something like that, and I feel deeply saddened for those who were or are bullied.  You do not deserve to be ridiculed or put down for being unique.  But being unique is the best trait any person could have because it shows that you're not afraid to be yourself.  Those who pick on other people because of their imperfections and flaws are just insecure about their own flaws.  They haven't yet learned to love themselves and embrace their uniqueness.

       I know I've already written about this once, hence the reiteration, but I cannot stress this idea enough.  We are all people, if you hadn't realized, and we were not made to be flawless creatures that doesn't have bad days or thinks lowly of ourselves.  No, we are human and that is what humans have to live through.  There are things that I am insecure about, as every human does.  I have accepted those parts and will continue to embrace everything about me.  I will always look for the beauty in people, just as I have found it in myself.

       I encourage you to do the same because life would be a whole lot happier and simpler if we all just look past what is "bad" about ourselves, but instead see everything that is you to be good and beautiful and accepted.  If someone you know is constantly putting themselves and deprecating themselves, let them know that whatever they are insecure about, that it is the most beautiful part about them.  No one should ever feel like that.  When we learn to accept ourselves, flaws and all, we can learn to live a life where we are at our happiest.

       You are beautiful and never think otherwise.


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