

       With the tasks we do on a daily basis, to the the small projects that fall right in front of us, there are times when we just "nope" out of doing it.  That, my fellow readers, is called procrastination.  Now this wouldn't be a Curiosity post if I didn't add a psychological definition for you.

      procrastination (noun): delay or postpone action; put off doing something

When we procrastinate, we are typically stressed when we do so, as we are doing a major task or project at the last minute.  Stress and procrastination go hand-in-hand with one another.  You cannot have one without the other, like light and dark, or yin and yang.  Some procrastinators might say they do better while under pressure, but more often than not that's their way of justifying putting things off.  Procrastination is just an obstacle on the road to fulfillment.

When we want to achieve goals in life, procrastination is our way of working to not work.  We work to procrastinate, so in reality, we are never not working.  We deliberately look for distractions and excuses so we don’t have to do our work.  Procrastination, in large, partly reflects our struggle with self-control.  

If we always end up delaying an important project, or doing a task last minute, how will we ever get anything done?  There are ways to stomp out procrastination, though.  According to Joseph Ferrari, a psychology professor at the DePaul University in Chicago, there are ways to stop procrastination.  
Firstly, make a list of everything you have to do.  Let yourself remember the tasks, so you don’t put them off.  
Set realistic goals.  Make goals that are logical and possible to achieve.  Then, make your task meaningful.  Your tasks should be something you look forward to.  
These aren’t all of his strategies, but you get my point.  Procrastination is common in every person, and some of us do it chronically.  But there are ways, however, to get back on track.  To help stop the delay of important tasks.

*The information used in this post was found on the link above ^*


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