
       "To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."(Tony Dorsett)

        When I was younger, I wanted to be a plethora of things when I grew up.  I wanted, at first, to be a chef.  I wanted to be this world famous chef that made five star food at five star restaurants.  Then, I wanted to be a fashion designer.  I wanted to create glamorous and obscure clothing for world wide fashion industries, but then I realized that I had no drawing capabilities, so that dream died quickly.  After those two dreams went down the drain, I decided I wanted to teach.
Yeah, no can do.  People aren't my thing, so why would I want to teach them things they don't want to learn for eight hours a day?  I'm on the other side of that, already.

        I went through phases of career choices at a young age.  When we're young, our imaginations are much more vibrant, which makes more room for more creativity.  We pick up on the things people do around us, inspiring us to do what they do.  We chose those bundle of career choices, because we thought they would help us be the most successful when we grew up.  Okay, great, you want to be successful.  But what about being happy?  Motivated?  Why would you choose a career that you picked to only become successful?  If you love something, then you should make that into your career.  Make your hobbies into careers.
Do you love to dance?  Yes?  Then be a professional dancer.  Do you love to run?  No?  Then don't choose to run.   Do you love to sing and play instruments?  Yes?  Then start a band.  The possibilities are endless.

       I don't think I'm going through a phase, anymore.  After the years of filing through piles of career choices, I found what I want to do with my life.  I chose something that I have always done, but never thought I wad good enough to keep doing it.  I chose something that I loved, something that I never got tired of doing, something that keeps me going.  I chose to write.  Simple as that.  I chose to write my most deep thoughts, my most creative thoughts.  I find things in my life to write about, whether that be what I did that morning, or what I'm thinking about.

      This makes me happy.  Yes, I want to be successful with it, someday, but I want to be happy before anything else.  This is all I have ever wanted to do with my life; just telling stories.  All of those past childhood careers I had thought I wanted to pursue made me burst into action with this writing thing.  I have discovered my niche.  Find something that makes you happy and inspires you and just roll with it.  Who knows, you could be on the cover of magazines, one day.


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