
       "Do whatever you have to do to be happy"(Dan Howell aka danisnotonfire)

       I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have to face the music sometime.  For some of us, school is starting soon.  I know, I know, tragic.  Some of you may just be beginning high school.  If that is the case, good luck.  Seriously, have fun in your four, long years of homework up to your neck and constant tests. I'm really rooting for you.  For the rest of us, those who are one or two years away from the inevitability of adult-hood and responsibilities, we have a lot to think about.

       In our high school careers, at any age, we are often asked what we want to do with our lives after we graduate.  Some answer right away, thinking they have their future planned out to the intricate details.  Others, however, are hesitant to respond, having no clue what comes next in our life story.  From the moment we enter high school, we are expected to know what we want to do with our life.  We are expected to have a plan.  That's okay, really, it's great, but some plans never quite work out.  Our future is not a set point in time.  We have the power to change what happens with it.  In high school, we have time to learn about ourselves and learn what we do and don't like.  We have the chance to discover our life's path.

       In the near future, when we are working peoples of society, we can look back on what we thought we planned to do.  Often, what we initially planned out, has completely turned out to be the complete opposite.  What you end up doing later in life, may not be something you are very fond of.  College not right for you? Don't go to college.  Thought about being a lawyer?  Make sure it's 100% what you want to be.  If you want to do something in your life, do it if it truly makes you happy.  The things we thought and planned in high school could just be pipe dreams, or they could lead to something great, if you are passionate about it.

        I know this post took a total different turn than what you thought, but I have a lot on my mind.  I'm only sixteen, but soon, I'll be leaving the confinements of my high school, eventually moving on to bigger, better places.  It may take a while to figure out what you want to do with your life, and that is perfectly okay.  I'm taking my time to think of what makes me happy.  I know that what I decide to do with my life after high school, I will be proud and happy that I weighed my options and chose a path that I knew was the right choice.  And if I don't enjoy myself and am content with my life at that point, I will continue looking for my source of happiness.

       So, in high school, it's good to have a plan.  It's also good to not have a plan.  We are not held down by our plans and dreams.  We have the power to achieve whatever our little hearts desire.  Our plans that we make do not solidify our lives.  Discover what you want to do with your life.  Discover what you really want to do with your life after high school.  Do that, and you'll truly be happy.


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