take the plunge

"If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you have gained."

─ Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book

       Sometimes, our lives can get repetitive, always cycling back to the same routine.  We don't notice it, as we are usually caught up in our busy schedules, often times not getting a break to catch our breaths.  Life can get stressful and overbearing, at times, but we push through to move on to the next day.  We rush so much that we never take the time to see the opportunities and adventures that patiently wait for us to tire of our looping livelihoods.  

       If we continue to live a mundane life, are we really living? If we don't seek out change and growth in the world, we can't say we've lived our lives to the fullest.  Instead of living day by day and following the same monotonous cycle, use your time to try new outlooks on life, venture into new directions, and take risks once in a while.  By taking a chance to broaden your perspective, you have the opportunity to alter your lifestyle─or life in general─in a positive way.

        Though I am only eighteen, I am aware that I, myself, am guilty of safe living. I often find that I'm too scared to look over the edge and wonder of the possibilities if I took the steps to live a better life.  Fear can cloud your opportunities, if you let it.  Instead of wondering of what could be, take the action and turn it into something good.  Life shouldn't be a drag to live, so don't let you fear of failure or judgement get in the way of improving the life you have.

       Life is short.  Though we may think we have all the time in the world, the lives we live can be gone in the blink of an eye.  It's important that we make the best out of the one life we get.  So, take risks, and don't be afraid to jump across the ravine that's capable of blocking the things that can help you have a happier life.  Who knows?  You might learn something new about yourself.

       Take the plunge, and live your best life. 


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